Page 7 - The Cold War Generator by Steven Anderson - Flip It & Read It
P. 7
That’s because most of this energy “bounces” off the Earth’s ionosphere… and is lost forever
into space.
And Alexander built it with the technology available at that moment. Things have changed since
then and with a few simple witty adjustments, you too can grab a slice of this unlimited
resource that doesn’t cost any money… doesn’t pollute… and will erase your electricity bill
And in the next few moments, you’re going to see just how easy it is to build it yourself.
But here's the even better news: you’ll be able to build the device with things lying
around your house because Alexander’s father had no possibility to buy expensive
parts and the design needed to be cheap and simple...
And because of that you’ll find all components for mere dollars on Ali Express...
In fact, the new blueprints are so simple... that you don't have to be an electrician... heck, a
12 year old could build a small generator during a lunch break!
Just Imagine Powering Your Households With
Alexander’s Invention…
No more paying through the nose on electricity... just to make the fat cats even fatter.
Turn on the AC as often as you want... without having to constantly hear that nagging voice
inside your head telling you that you need to turn it off because you’ll end up paying a fortune.
You might want to take notes because this will be short and intense…
And because this website is getting hundreds of threats each week from the Electric companies
who don’t want this technology exposed… this video could be taken down at any time (even
Here's A Short Video Of The Device In Action:
You’re going to see how a $7 device generates “energy
out of thin air”…